Sacred Heart Catholic School
Sacred Heart Catholic School in Patterson, California, serves students in Preschool through Grade 8, with comprehensive, rigorous academic programs in all curricular areas along with a strong Catholic setting and instruction in Catholic tradition. We have been teaching children for decades. Students, teachers, and parents alike contribute to developing and maintaining our strong sense of community. There are many opportunities for students to experience and develop their faith during the school day, including but not limited to daily morning prayer, leading a decade of the Rosary, daily Religion classes with sacramental preparation, chapel masses, monthly First Friday Mass and celebrations of the holy days of obligation and feast days. Parents are our partners in faith development and serve as the first teachers. Parents are also an integral factor in the success of the school and devote much time and energy to fund development and community building activities. At the core of Sacred Heart Catholic School is a staff made up of people who truly care about the students, who are dedicated teachers, and who are strong role models. We celebrate our Catholic heritage, and invite families of all faiths to join us, all are welcome, and every student will receive and education that stresses Christ-like conduct, family, values and community service.
We are intensely proud of our graduates, who leave us well prepared to face the challenges of high school and beyond.
Please visit our school and experience our family. See for yourself why Sacred Heart Catholic School helps children to grow into truly good humans. For more information, see our Facebook page.
Our History
1961 Sacred Heart School was built.
FALL 1962 First opened its doors. Staffed by the Dominican Sisters of San Jose.
1972 After ten years of operation and an enrollment of 193 students in grades 1 through 8, it closed.
MARCH 1982 A group of dedicated parents, recognizing the need for a Catholic education and family involvement in the educational process of their children, started looking into the re-opening of Sacred Heart School. After much study and surveying of the area's population, it was decided that Sacred Heart School had the necessary support to re-open and provide a quality education for their children.
JANUARY 1983 Re-opening formally announced.
SEPTEMBER 1983 After eight months and a lot of effort, Sacred Heart School re-opened on September 6, 1983. The year began with 21 students and two teachers, kindergarten through fourth grades.
1997 The name of Sacred Heart School was officially changed to Sacred Heart Catholic School. The school's new name more accurately identifies the school and its mission.
TODAY Sacred Heart Catholic School has grown to a population of 180 students, nine teachers and grades K through eight. Parents and parish participation have been and continue to be one of the major factors in the success of our school. Our motto is "Seeds Sown in Good Soil Grow; Grow with Us".